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Free Chlorine Test Kit, Model CN-70F

Free Chlorine Test Kit, Model CN-70F
Product #: 1454201
Unit Price Contact Hach

Simple, low-cost color disc method is the most accurate visual test kit method

Quickly and accurately measure free chlorine levels in the field or in the lab

What's included?

Includes one reagent, bottle, stopper, color comparator box, color disc, tube, instruction sheet, and carrying case.


Case Style: D
Method Name: Color disc/DPD
Model: CN-70F
Number of tests: 200
Parameter: Chlorine, low range - As free Cl2
  Chlorine Free
Platform : Color Disc
Range: 0.02 - 0.68 mg/L Cl₂
  Dual Range
Range 2: 0 - 3.4 mg/L Cl2
Smallest Increment: 0.02
Smallest Increment Steps: 0.1
What's included?: Includes one reagent, bottle, stopper, color comparator box, color disc, tube, instruction sheet, and carrying case.