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Ammonium Analysers

Easy to use Amtax sc online ammonium analyzer with outdoor housing for installation directly at the measuring point
Ammonium analysers from Hach® are trusted for their reliability and accuracy, providing continuous ammonium measurement to monitor ammonium concentration in many wastewater or source water applications. Designed for easy outdoor installation, these analysers offer high-quality results with a short response time.

The NH6000sc Ammonium Analyser features a low detection limit of 0.02 mg/L and a wide measurement range, ensuring dependable data and low maintenance. With gas sensing electrode (GSE) technology, automatic cleaning, calibration, and self-diagnosis, this analyser requires minimal supervision. Available with durable, weatherproof housing for outdoor installation, it also offers easy access to reagents and serviceable parts. The integrated FX610 filtration system option and the more rugged FX620 offer lightweight construction with improved air cleaning and innovative flow detection.