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IO9000 Module

• IO9004 analogue 0/4-20 mA outputs and inputs
The IO9004 provides 3 analogue 0/4-20 mA outputs and 2 analogue 0/4-20mA inputs. The outputs provide communication to SCADA systems of sample events or logged data. The inputs can be used to incorporate outside measurements into the sampler application such as triggering a sample from existing water quality sensors or flow meters. The AS950’s standard memory can log any of these inputs.

• IO9001 or IO9004 high-voltage relays and digital inputs/outputs
The IO9004 contains 4 high voltage relay outputs and the IO9001 contains one. These relays are used to indicate alarms or events and can also be programmed to switch AC mains line voltage to control higher power functions. Examples for use are for a warning light or sound signal, switching a diversion valve or gate or a control signal to another machine. Additionally, the IO9004 contains 4 digital inputs and outputs which allow event-based control from/to SCADA systems and PLCs.
User Connections - Alarm Relays
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(3) 0/4-20 mA outputs that map logged analogue measurements (ex. Level, velocity, flow, pH) - Can function as loop-powered or self-powered.
• Accuracy: 0.8% of FSR over -40 to 50 °C, 0.4% of FSR over -10 to 50 °C
• Resolution: <0.05% of FSR
• External Loop Power Supply Voltage: 18 V max.
• Internal Loop Power Supply Voltage: 14 V min., 18 V max.
• Loop Minimum Resistance: 0 Ω
• Burden Voltage: 3.6 V max. at 25 mA
Wire size: 24 AWG to 16 AWG solid or stranded copper
(4) Low-voltage contact closure mapped to alarm events.
• ±30 VDC max., 150 mADC
• 20 VAC-RMS, 150 mAAC-RMS
Wire Size: 24 AWG to 16 AWG solid or stranded copper
(2) 0/4-20 mA inputs generic to map external processes to logable measurements (ex. third party ultrasonic level).
Current Input Mode:
• Accuracy: 0.5% of FSR over -40 to 50 °C, 0.3% of FSR over -10 to 50 °C
• Resolution: <0.05% of FSR
• Loop Power Supply Voltage: 18 V max. (referenced to (-) input)
• Burden: 108 Ω max. + 0.4 V max.
Voltage Pulse Input Mode:
• Input Resistance: 11 kΩ typical
• Pulse High Level: 4 V min. to 15 V max.
• Pulse Low Level: 0 V min. to 2 V max.
• Hysteresis: 0.5 V typical
• Pulse Width (high state or low state): 50 ms min.
Wire size: 24 AWG to 16 AWG solid or stranded copper
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