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HQ40d Advanced pH/BOD Package


HQ40d Advanced pH/BOD Package
Product #: 8506200



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Rugged portable meters for use in the field and plant.

Designed for your water quality laboratory applications measuring pH and Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), the Hach HQ40D portable multi meter is a two channels advanced handheld digital meter that takes the guesswork out of measurements. The Hach HQD digital multimeter combines reliability, flexibility and ease of use. The HQD portable meters connect with a wide range of Intellical smart electrodes addressing different parameters, sample types and operating environment for water quality, environmental and treatment process purposes. The Intellical probe automatically recognize the testing parameter, store the calibration history, and method settings to minimize errors and setup time.

Intellical™ PHC301 is a digital combination pH electrode with built-in temperature sensor. The PHC301 has a refillable with two ceramic pins reference junction. This laboratory pH electrode is shockproff with its Zeonor plastic body protecting down to the glass bulb sensing element. The PHC301 refillable combination pH electrode is recommended for wastewater, drinking water and general aquous applications. The PHC301 is not suitable for use with organic solvents.

Intellical™ LBOD101 is the latest embodiment of Hach’s patented Luminescent Dissolved Oxygen (LDO) technology. The LBOD101 is a digital, luminescent dissolved oxygen (LDO) sensor with a replaceable, integrated stirring system. The LBOD101 measures the dissolved oxygen for BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) determination in BOD bottles in BOD5 testing applications. The LBOD101 probe is used for initial and final dissolved oxygen measurements. The LBOD101 is fitted with an automatic pressure sensor module. The DO sensing cap comes with an iButton to track days in use and remind remaining life of the sensing cap element.

Replaced by NEW HQ Series.

  • Portable meter measures critical water quality parameters - without the need for multiple instruments
  • Intuitive user interface for simple operation and accurate results
  • Trust your measurements - IntelliCAL™ optical BOD smart probe stores all calibrations in the probe
  • Designed for demanding conditions
  • Convenient kit includes everything you need to start testing

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