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Incubator, BOD, Compact, Model 205, 220/240 Vac


Incubator, BOD, Compact, Model 205, 220/240 Vac
Product #: 2616202



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Hach’s compact Model 205 BOD incubator exceeds the incubation criteria for biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) analysis, and easily fits under standard lab benches. Digital temperature display with high-limit warning light. Capacity: 59 standard, 300 mL BOD bottles (3.1 ft³) or one BODTrak. Internal dimensions are 29.5 x 16 x 15.5 inches (H x W x D). External dimensions are 38 x 18.5 x 19 inches (H x W x D). Temperature Range: 5-45°C (Accuracy:±0.5°C @ 20°C)

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