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Leica EZ4 HD Stereo microscope with Built-in Digital Camera


Leica EZ4 HD Stereo microscope with Built-in Digital Camera
Product #: 2942900



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Leica EZ4 HD stereo microscope offers high quality 4.4:1 zoom for university and college courses such as biology, anatomy and chemistry and provides over 20 years of bright LED illumination.
The 7 LEDs provide transmitted, incident and oblique light for high quality illumination and contrast of any application. The integrated High Definition digital camera offers a fast live Image on a computer screen or HD Display transforming a stereomicroscope into a USB microscope. It captures 3 Mpixel color images directly onto SD card or Windows or Mac computer. The intuitive Imaging software allows for easy fine tuning, capture, and archiving of images. The Leica LAS EZ software also allows for basic annotation and measurements.

  • Practical, reliable and economical for school use
  • High Definition Output
  • 7-way bright LED illumination
  • 4.4:1 Zoom
  • Integrated 3.0 Mega-Pixel CMOS Camera

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